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Friday, November 6, 2009


There is definitely something negative to be said about comfort.

Comfort supersedes change.

When I get comfortable, change stops.

Right now, I am comfortable. It's odd to say that I feel mostly comfortable with my body hovering around/just under 290 pounds, but let's be honest - that's 40 pounds lighter than I spent a good amount of time being.

Anyone would feel comfortable with 40 fewer pounds to tote around on a daily basis, wouldn't they?

There are still moments of discomfort - mostly imposed on me by the society in which I choose to live, Japan.

Public transportation seats, theater seats, arena seats are small. Smaller than any US seat would be these days. I still can't take the bus to Tokyo for fear of utter mortification - especially since they retro-fitted every bus with seatbelt seats, which seem to be about 3-inches narrower than the old seats were. Never mind that there's no way I could possibly wrap the seat belt around my girth.

These kinds of moments are brief. They're too brief to let the discomfort settle in. I need to broadcast them, relive them, deal with the mental strain of them as often as possible to get and stay on the proper track.

Today (and tomorrow), I am going to spend several hours milling about in the company of thousands of small Japanese girls who look much better in a pleated skirt than I could ever hope to at this weight.

Let the discomfort begin.


Unknown said...

Being comfortable is the best way to get nothing done in just about every situation. I've got a comfortable life as well right now which is motivating me to do nothing.

I'm about to manufacture some discomfort for myself and hopefully it will be enough to spur some change as opposed to wallowing in my own crapulence.

You'll break through! We both will. We HAVE to.

neimanmarxist said...

hang in there angela ! <3

Anonymous said...

OMG, I do the same thing! I got "comfortable" and stopped doing anything to move forward.

I agree...let the discomfort begin.

I am so glad I found you! This is Vicki. I emailed you on CK.

Debu-chan said...

Thanks, guys!

Back and better than ever, yeah? Whoo!